Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New American Heart Association Fat estimator web site

From Sally Squire's "Lean Plate Club":

This week the American Heart Association plans to unveil My Fats Translator, part of an interactive site designed to help take the guesswork out of eating fat and encourage smarter fat choices. (The initiative has been underwritten by part of an $8.5 million settlement from McDonald's; the fast-food chain was sued in 2003 for allegedly failing to tell the public that it had reneged on a promise to switch to healthier oils for its french fries.)

So, I went here and plugged in my stats. It came back with recommending over 3000 calories! (I need to stay under 2200 to lose weight and under 2500 to maintain my weight.) Still, it did provide some interesting alternative strategies for avoiding fats.

Main web site:

Fat translator: